Let's clean this mess up a bit and try to keep you alive at the same time
You will be driving across the big empty 2 lane spaces of the West.In many cases you will be 100+miles from the nearest hospital and hundreds of miles from the nearest Level I or II trauma center.
An accident you would easily survive in a big city will easily kill you in those areas.
Be really careful when doing legal high-speed passes that involve the use of the oncoming traffic lane as your passing lane
Do not drive these roads at night
Rent a car w/ a V-6 b/c you will doing a lot high-speed passing and climbing
Get a National Parks Pass
Do not go to Sedona ;aside from the fact it's beyond over -rated it's also not worth getting that far south for.
Contrary to what you read the Painted Desert can be found at the Jct of SR 64 & US 89 at Cameron AZ
If I use an (L) after a city it mean
that it contains lodging
Pop this into mapquest or whtever else you're using exactly like this
1) LAS>Colorado City AZ>GCN
[ via Jacob Lake AZ /N.Rim (L), Lees Ferry (L) AZ -mile zero on the Colorado River thru GCN> Cameron AZ which offers an alternative to staying on the Rim
Get gas in Hurricane UT(L) & Cameron AZ
2)GCN>Cortez CO(L) Mexican Hat UT (L)[Why Cortez ?b/c I'm sending you to Mesa Verde NP which is one of Americas national treasures.Mexican Hat is at the northern end of Monument Valley
3)Leave Mexican Hat on SR 261 >detour to the Goosenecks of the San Juan SP
Continue on SR 261 , climb Moki Dugway which will either scare the hell out of you or you will fall in love wth -possibly both -make a right onto SR 95 to US 191 N and into Moab UT and Arches NP
4)Moab UT >Hanksville UT >Escalante UT > Mount Carmel Junction UT >St George UT
via Capitol Reef . Bryce & Zion NPs
Going from MV to the bottom of Zion using this routing is just spectacular
5) This is a weird way to get to Death Valley but it actually works
St George UT(L) Rachel NV-area 51-Tonapah NV (L) Scotty's Junction NV>Scottys Castle CA >Shoshone CA
Safe trip